15 September 2009 -- WHO recommends polio vaccination for all travellers to polio-endemic areas or to countries with recent outbreaks following the importation of poliovirus. There are currently 25 countries for which WHO recommends immunization or boosting (see list in reference below). Four of the 25 (Afghanistan, India, Nigeria, Pakistan) remain polio-endemic with indigenous poliovirus circulation. The remainder have had imported polio cases or cases related to imported poliovirus in the past 24 months. Travellers who have previously received three or more doses of OPV or IPV should be offered another dose of polio vaccine before departure. Non- immunized individuals require a complete course of vaccine. Countries concerned are: Afghanistan, Angola, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Cote d'Ivoire, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guinea, India, Kenya, Liberia, Mali, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan, Togo, Uganda. For more information, you may consult theWHO's International Travel and Health book chapters 5 and 6 and the updated WHO map on "Countries reporting wild polio virus cases in the last 6 months" as of 1st September 2009.
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